After completing c1: Regression and Classification just I have started c2:Advance Learning Algorithm ,But all the assessment are locked with the message “Upgrade to this specialization” why this and how to solve ?
Are you enrolled in the course?
I am approved for Supervised machine learning specialization. There are 3 courses in this specialization. I have completed C1 but I don’t know How to access C2 and C3. Will I have to apply individualy for C2 and C3 to access the assessment?
You should not need to do anything special. All three courses should be available to you.
If you have trouble with Coursera’s platform, the Coursera Help Center is the first place to visit.
Here is the link for MLS Course 2.
MLS Course 2
Can you access it?
That page also has a link to Course 3.
Enrollment and subscriptions are handled by Coursera. Please contact their Help Center if you need assistance.
Same issue
Same advice.
ThankYou for guidance