W2_A1_Jupyter notebook refrains from functioning

Hi, When I tried to start my programming assignment, the kernel connection is not setup. A red ‘Not Connected’ shows beside ’ Not Trusted’ button on top/right of the screen, will it be a problem?

Try restart kernel at first!

tried that couple of times. still same.

This is the very first assignment in DLS C1. Have you ever tried any other DLAI courses or is this your first? If it is your very first, then the problem may be an IT problem on your side. The execution of the “kernel” for the notebooks is a different type of web connection than a normal website, so it could be blocked by A/V software on your computer or a firewall on your local area network. It might be worth trying to access the course from a different network, e.g. a public WiFi net and see if that makes a difference.

Also note that if you are behind The Great Firewall, you may need to use a VPN in order to access all aspects of the course.

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