W2_A2_Submission error

I am getting this error when trying to submit week 2 mandatory assignment:

““A connection to the notebook server could not be established. The notebook will continue trying to reconnect. Check your network connection or notebook server configuration””

kernel is not connecting.

I tried :

  • Shuttiing down laptop
  • Restarting kernel
  • shutting down kernel
  • Reboot server
  • Launching lab again

Nothing is working. And 1 day before it was working, i did this whole lab and got outputs. Before this i also submitted the “optional programming assignment”. Now the kernel is not connecting and cells are not running. And i am unable to submit the assignments.

Hi @Sonalika_Singhal,

Maybe try again later. It could be a backend issue. If the issue still remains after a few hours, let me know.

Thank you for your patience,

Its been 1 day. I started seeing this error since last night.

I have seen other learners having a connection problem when they used their company’s laptops or company’s wifi networks, and it was perhaps because of some security settings that blocked the connection. Did you switch to use a different laptop or connect to a different WiFi?

I just tried with a different laptop, a home laptop not associated with any company. There also i got same error.

Thank you @Sonalika_Singhal! It has been 11 hours since Mubsi’s reply, would you mind give it another try so that we could test as he suggested?

I tested again just now, and got the same error message “A connection to the notebook server could not be established. The notebook will continue trying to reconnect. Check your network connection or notebook server configuration.” , it is unable to connect to the kernel.

I tested with a home laptop and home wifi as well and I got the same error message. My Lab Id is “nkxkpazkzloh”

Thank you for trying it again. Let’s see if there is anything @Mubsi can do about it.

Hi @Sonalika_Singhal,

Thank you for sharing your lab ID. I tried opening your workspace, and I came across the same error as the one you have mentioned. I’m not sure what is causing this. To be honest, I haven’t come across this particular behaviour before.

Could you direct message me the email you use for your Coursera account ? I’ll have it investigated.


Hi ,
My email is sonalika.ayushi98@gmail.com

Also I have dmed you same.