I am unable to open the Week 1 lab for the Course 3 (Natural Language Processing). It shows the following error message “We were unable to retrieve a launch URL. Please make sure you are logged in to Coursera, and have access to this lab.”, I tried relogging and opening the same in an incognito window, but the error still remains. Your help will be greatly appreciated!
Hi @marvy ,
There could be two possibilities:
- You were enrolled onto the course under the 7 days free trial option and it is now expired. If this is the case, you need to enrol to the full pay option to gain access to the assignments.
- The system experienced a hiccup. If you logout and logon again, it would normally solve the problem. You may also like to try a different browser to see if it helps.
Hey, thanks for replying. I opened this assignment on another computer and it worked fine there. I am not using the 7 day trial, I bought the course.
hello, I am finding a similar problem in my deep learning specialization course is there any other solution for it .I did try logging in again but there wasnt any improvement
I opened the assignment in another computer and it worked fine there, so maybe try that.
login form incognito mode