Weak2, lab1 Permission issue

User: arn:aws:sts::099347671954:assumed-role/voclabs/user3654725=[My_UserName] is not authorized to perform: cloud9:CreateEnvironmentEC2 on resource: * because no identity-based policy allows the cloud9:CreateEnvironmentEC2 action

Hello @eshvetso
Please, make sure that you are choosing all the right settings for your cloud9 environment and try again. Choosing a wrong instance type, VPC, subnet, or even SSM can lead to permission errors.

Hello @Amir_Zare Thanks for your message.
It was not first lab for me I was creating step by step. I tried after 3h re-create a Cloud9 env, but unfortunately I’ve got the same issue.

In the next lab de-c4w2a1 Cloud 9. env has been succesfully created

Hello @eshvetso
Glad to here that the issue was resolved.
Happy learning!

Hi @Amir_Zare issue was not resolved yet. It was successfully created a next lab…

Hello @eshvetso
Sorry for the misunderstanding. I tried the lab right now, and I was able to create the cloud9 environment successfully. However, I get the same error when I choose t3.small for instance type.

Please, make sure that you choose t3.medium from the additional instance types.