Why does the second week first quiz edit the numbers I type?

Week 2 Quiz 1 Question 1

This quiz says to type in a number, but both times I type in a number, it’s subtracted one from the number I typed when I submitted. So it is wrong regardless of whether I index feature four starting from 0 or 1, because it subtracts one from the value of that feature that I have typed, when I submit the solution.

Could someone please help?

I already went ahead and implemented vectorized linear regression, just while having fun, on one of the week 1 labs. I really don’t need to go through this unit. I have also taught it, as part of a freshman physics lab, at LSU, while a grad student there, in 2014-2015.

I have used linear regression with multiple features in my research as a physicist.

However, the next section right after this quiz has things I would like to learn.

Thanks for any help you can give me.

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Well that was fixed when I retried (and hopefully will stay fixed) but then it edited what I entered for the third question. I also know why it does/does not find minimums better with larger alpha and did not find that answer ambiguous, though I was nervous that the form would expect a different answer than my own opinion. But I entered my own opinion, and the form seems to agree-- it just changed my answer this time!

FINALLY IT SUBMITTED! I can see why the pass rate on this quiz is so low if it randomly changes the answers people choose!

On each quiz attempt, the questions you see (and their order) are randomized.

That wasn’t the issue… I read the answers and chose the one that I intended. However, I did ultimately “pass”

I had previously gotten feedback that agreed with my intended answer. My answers were changed as I submitted.

I had the same issue, set my answer to 27 even though that wasn’t what I entered. I was able to resolve the issue by logging out of coursera and restarting my browser.

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