Assignment past due date


Is there a way to still pass the course if I missed one assignment’s deadline, even though I passed all other assignments and course is not finished yet?
The graded doesn’t grade anymore and in the overview it shows that the assignment is failed…

Is there a way to still get the certificate, or do I have to repeat the course?

Thank you in advance.

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Are you still enrolled, or has it expired?

If still enrolled, you can reset the deadlines. There should be a pop-up or menu.


Hi @Sorin_Abrudan

For an assignment to fail, the reason is not because deadline is passed but issue with your assignment. Kindly share a screenshot of submission grade where you click on the show grader output which gives detail on why you failed your assignment.



Here is a screenshot:


Can you share a complete submission, just be sure if you are doing an updated assignment?

Also if you can share screenshot of get_sentence_vectorizer output with the expected output. Don’t share the grade cell codes as it is against community guidelines.

or check by any chance from the below code
test_vectorizer, test_vocab = get_sentence_vectorizer(train_sentences[:1000])

which is from test cell after the grade cell you removed : in the [:1000]??


This you mean?


yes @Sorin_Abrudan and seems like this is fine

An usual way to solve then this error, would be get a fresh copy of the assignment, then by referring the saved copy of assignment which you did, you re-do the assignment.

Things to remember while re-doing the assignment
write codes only where it asked to be mentioned i.e. between ###START AND END CODE HERE###

Also to remember not add any extra code lines than already given when you update the lab.

Then re-submit.

Also remember first you need to either rename the assignment you did now or either delete the file assignment from the file ===open once you have saved a copy in your local drive.

then click :question: reboot. once rebooting is done, click :question: again , then click Get Latest Version and then Update Lab to get a fresh updated copy of assignment.

let me know if your still gets resolved!!!


How can I get a fresh copy of the assignment?


Found the issue eventually in this thread: C3W2_Compile error during grading - #3 by Yan_Du

Thank you very much nevertheless.


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