C1W1 Assignment 1 Submission Error

I’ve completed the Notebook but continue to get “The notebook you provided has a syntax error that prevents it from compiling” error message

Hi Laura! I think you’re referring to C2W1 instead of C1W1? By any chance, did you create a copy of the assignment and worked from there instead of the default notebook provided? The grader expects the filename: C2W1_Assignment.ipynb so if that file is blank, then you will get that error from the grader.

Hi Chris - I renamed the assignment to C2W1_Assignment.ipynb and am still getting those errors.

Hii @laurakahn,
Not sure if this helps but you can also check the test file to know the possible cause of error.

How do I check the test file?

When I execute each cell in the Jupyter Notebook, there are no errors

You can right click on jupyter notebook icon on top-left corner and open it in new tab. You will see the file named something like ‘test.py’. You can open and read to see the exact cause of the error due to certain point or you will get more information so you can get more proper direction to get the solution

Hi Laura! Just to make sure, when you launch the notebook from the classroom, the default notebook that you see is now your solution notebook? You didn’t have to select it manually from the Jupyter file tree just to open it?

Another thing: Please check if there are no None keywords in any graded cell (you can tell if it is graded if it has the ### START CODE HERE### tag.

Lastly, make sure to click Save before clicking submit. I’ve encountered cases before where a previous checkpoint was being submitted.

If it still doesn’t work, please update here. Thanks!

There are no errors in the source file when I follow those instructions. Attached is the .pdf file since I cannot save as IPYNB locally.

(Attachment C2W1_Assignment_LKahn.pdf is missing)

Yes, when I launch the notebook, the default notebook is the solution notebook. I’ve tried using Edge and Chrome but get the same compilation error:

It is saved and there are no “None” keywords in any graded cell.

Your Submissions


0/90Score: 0 of 90
NoAssignment not passed

Generate Training Statistics
Filename: Generate Training Statistics

0/10Score: 0 of 10

Grader output
The notebook you provided has a syntax error that prevents it from compiling.

Visualize Training Statistics
Filename: Visualize Training Statistics

0/10Score: 0 of 10

Grader output
The notebook you provided has a syntax error that prevents it from compiling.

Hi Laura! Please check your inbox. We may need to get a copy of your notebook to replicate the issue. Thanks!