I’m facing several error from task 1 to 3.
Task 1 :
$ gsutil mb -p $GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT
Creating gs://qwiklabs-gcp-01-6dfe0f813eb8-vcm/…
AccessDeniedException: 403 alexander.jason.g2000@gmail.com does not have storage.buckets.create access to the Google Cloud project.
But I can “check my progress”
Task 2:
gsutil -m cp -r gs://spls/gsp223/images/* gs://{BUCKET}
Raise many error such :
gsutil -m cp -r gs://spls/gsp223/images/* gs://{BUCKET}
NotFoundException: 404 The source object gs://spls/gsp223/images/cirrus/1.jpg or the destination bucket gs://qwiklabs-gcp-01-6dfe0f813eb8-vcm does not exist.
CommandException: 60 files/objects could not be transferred.
Task 3 :
gsutil cp ./data.csv gs://{BUCKET}
Copying file://./data.csv [Content-Type=text/csv]…
NotFoundException: 404 The destination bucket gs://qwiklabs-gcp-01-6dfe0f813eb8-vcm does not exist or the write to the destination must be restarted
While open the [Vertex AI Dataset tab]
They ask to pay by credit or debit card.
Please help. Thanks