Dear Coursera,
I have completed the last course (DLS Course 5) but I cannot find how to get my certificate.
With all previous courses, a certificate was available but it seems it is not for this last Course 5.
How can I issue a pdf certificate before my subscription ends?
I’m also having the same issues. Despite completing the course, I have yet to receive a certificate for it. Because of this, I’m unable to to get the certificate for completing the Deep Learning Specialization.
Hello @BenML , @Nels_Puthoor
Some of the learners faced an issue with verifying their IDs, and hence, were unable to get the specialization certificates. Have you verified your ID in the Coursera account? If you have completed that, please make an issue in the Community Help Center , and they will help you out. I hope this helps.
Thank you. Verifying my ID helped me to get the certificate.
Dear Coursera,
I am trying to Verify my ID.
For this purpose I am going to the app Coursera on my iPhone.
Under Profile, I go to
Settings > Profile Verification Settings > ID Verification
The screen auto closes after one second and the app brings me back to the Settings main page, which is very frustrating.
I tried to log of and log back in the app, but the issue remains.
If I try to Verify my ID on the internet platform, the Verify my ID button does not do anything.
How can I verify my ID and get the certificate so that I can cancel my subscription without incurring further charges?
Dear Coursera,
I eventually managed to find a workaround although it does appear the app is bugged.
Please ignore as I did manage to issue a certificate in the end.
I am facing the same issue as of today. Anyone any ideas?
Kindly refer the above messages