Lost all my grades before update

hello, I lost all my record and grades for assignment of week 1 and 2 after the update. could anyone help with this issue? I need the certificate and I really dont want to do the same homework twice. :frowning:

I have the same problem. but for week 1. Can you please fix this problem?

Yes, so do I. I had completed all the assignments but they have reset it back to not done. Also, I cannot even find my previously completed notebooks! Please help

Same problem here, I lost week 1 and 2. Has this been resolved?

Hi everyone,

Welcome to the community.

The notebooks are updated from time to time. You can retrieve your work by opening the File–> Reach out to the previous version of the notebook (.ipynb file which holds all your work) and rename it again.

You can take help of the suggestions given in this link