Overfitting Lab C1_W3_Lab08 : Figure empty after pressing "fit data"

I am working on the Overfitting lab (Machine Learning Specialization - Course 1 - Week 3 - Lab 08: Overfitting).

I am working on this lab locally on my device. I know this means that we need to modify Line 359 in “plt_overfit.py” so that penality=None instead of penalty=“none” and that we need to remove the “normalize=True” from line 336.

I have done both steps, and I can see the initial state of the figure appear, as in the image below.

However, when I try to press “fit data” and run this, I get an empty plot, as in the image below. Any idea why this would be the case?


The graphical widgets using matplotlib are not very reliable.

You might try using an anonymous or private browser session, or maybe disable any popup or ad blockers.

You also might have to clear your cookies and cache and restart your browser.

And sometimes they just don’t work at all.

Thanks for the response, @TMosh .
I am not sure how to run this in a private browser session. I am trying to run this in VScode. Any tips on that? Thanks again!

The course is intended to use Coursera Labs.
Sorry, that’s the only platform I support.