Support Help: AWS deactivated - Generative AI with Large Language Models

Hi there,

I tried doing the “Lab 1 - Generative AI Use Case: Summarize Dialogue”. (launched from Coursera) Everything was going well, AWS instance set up, SageMaker studio launched, and working through the juptyper notebook. At some point, the notebook stopped working (no results when executing). I tried to restart kernel, but that didn’t work.

Then went back to course home and tried to Start Lab, and wasn’t getting any messages (no errors, no feedback). I tried clicking it several times. At some point I started getting an error message in lower right of the vocareum application, “AWS account deactivated at 2023-10-22T11:32:49-07:00”

I reached out to Vocareum support and they said I need to post here.

Hopefully someone from DL.AI support team can reset the AWS account?

Sorry, I’m not a mentor for this course:

But, if you use the forum Search tool for the word “deactivated”, I think you can find the name of the staff who handle this. You can tag them in your thread.

@esanina Are you able to help with this? I saw someone else post effectively the same error message in another course and looks like you were able to reset?


I also saw someone else with same issue with GenAI + LLM, and it looks like there was a Google Form to fill out to help get re-activated, so I submitted that as well.

@Ken_Florentino thanks for submitting the form. The issue should be resolved now.

Thanks, it worked!

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can you please share the google form you used to get reactivated?

can you please share the google form to get AWS reactivated?

ken, can you please share the google form?
my email is
much appreciated
i’m stuck right now.

@Stu_Sugarman, please submit the following form: GenAI with LLMs Lab Issue Report

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Hi, I have the same issue on lab2. I submitted the form to resolve. Thanks!

@esanina - my AWS account also got deactivated during lab2 of Gen AI with LLMs. I submitted the google form. Can you please look into it and resolve the issue?

I have this problem too.
I encounter this message: AWS account deactivated at 2023-12-29T12:19:16-08:00
I sent the form some minutes ago.

@Amin_Golshani @manali1 thanks for the submission of the form. The staff monitors this regularly within up to 48 hours (excluding weekends). The labs should be working now.

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I’m facing the same issue in Lab1. Getting “AWS account deactivated at 2023-12-27T08:40:53-08:00”. I’ve submitted the Google Form for reactivation. Kindly help…