Timer Issue. Again

Hello! I’m getting timer-related errors (from this topic) again, but slightly different. It looks like this: I complete all the tasks in order (which is important), submit my work, and in response, I receive “You answered when the time elapsed” for some of the answers. For example:
3. OK
4. OK
5. You answered when the time elapsed.
6. OK

I’ve mentioned before that I complete the tasks in order, so it’s strange that the time expired for task 3 while task 4, which I completed later, was accepted.

Coursera has been having significant issues with their quiz and programming assignment graders recently.

Do you have a guess (in 10’s of minutes) as to how long it was between when you opened the quiz and when you submitted it for grading?

This wasn’t my first attempt, so I think I managed to do it in less than 10 minutes and 100% less than timer limit

Hi @jekagolovko,

Kindly do the following.

  • Submit your quiz as it is.
  • Before attempting it again, log out of coursera, clear your history and then log in again. Alternatively, you can try to attempt the quiz in private browsing.

If the issue remains, let me know.


I re-logged into the account and, within 3 attempts didn’t encounter this message. It seems to have helped, but 3 attempts are too few to say for sure whether this recommendations is helping or not. I’ll write if I notice it again.

Facing the same problem

Did you follow Mubsi’s advice from a year ago?

Already clear cookies, log out, appliying InPrivate mode of Chrome, and so on. Still not working.

Did you open the quiz in your browser and then leave it open for a long time before you tried to submit it for grading?

Yep, I fell asleep at 2 a.m. (UTC +8) while I doing the quiz. When I woke up found the quiz still open.

However, after I submitted it to attempt another one, this problem occurred. It said unlimited attempts, I should have another attempt without time influence.

Maybe this will work:
If you have the submit button available, click on it.
Then you may have to wait 8 to 24 hours before you can try the quiz again.

Many thanks, waiting for it :grinning:

Other students have reported a similar problem on other courses. So perhaps this is a Coursera technical problem.

please check your time settings of your system and email address you are using, sometimes even that can create problem

can you report this once at Coursera Learner Help Center and see what they respond!

Try changing browser or system also if possible.


Hi @Xibai_Wang,

The issue should be fixed now.

If you still see the same issue, just submit the quiz as it is and open it again.

The quiz has been updated, so you should now see a timer on the top right, rather than next to the questions.


Also, the original thread is from last year, so I’m going to close it.