[Troubleshooting] Getting "ResourceLimitExceeded" when selecting `ml.m5.2xlarge`

The kernel is failing to start. It gives the following error:

Failed to start kernel
Failed to launch app [datascience-1-0-ml-m5-2xlarge-edc54522b6c2075d0551eb4e13d2]. ResourceLimitExceeded: The account-level service limit ‘Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.m5.2xlarge instance’ is 1 Apps, with current utilization of 1 Apps and a request delta of 1 Apps. Please use AWS Service Quotas to request an increase for this quota. If AWS Service Quotas is not available, contact AWS support to request an increase for this quota. (Context: RequestId: 1394004c-51a4-47b7-8375-c12f31cc9e82, TimeStamp: 1696093712.9789147, Date: Sat Sep 30 17:08:32 2023)

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I have the same issue… Any solution?

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Same for me, seems like they have limited the access to computing power?

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Try filling up this form:

Hi everyone. Thank you for reporting! This is a new error and we’ll investigate the cause. Will update you asap but please let me know if it’s already working for you. It might be just a temporary bug. Thanks again!

I also just encountered that error:
Failed to start kernel
Failed to launch app [sagemaker-data-science-ml-m5-large-685ada67a98eea46e68c3200c9bf]. AccessDeniedException: User: arn:aws:sts::244930903551:assumed-role/sagemaker-studio-vpc-firewall-us-east-1-sagemaker-execution-role/SageMaker is not authorized to perform: sagemaker:CreateApp on resource: arn:aws:sagemaker:us-east-1:244930903551:app/d-9k51gqjl6hfm/sagemaker-user-profile-us-east-1/kernelgateway/sagemaker-data-science-ml-m5-large-685ada67a98eea46e68c3200c9bf with an explicit deny in an identity-based policy (Context: RequestId: 37d2d479-6220-4ae7-80f1-b091c685fdd1, TimeStamp: 1703278224.5513651, Date: Fri Dec 22 20:50:24 2023)

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I got this error:
Failed to start kernel
Failed to launch app [sagemaker-data-science-ml-m5-large-685ada67a98eea46e68c3200c9bf]. AccessDeniedException: User: arn:aws:sts::244930903551:assumed-role/sagemaker-studio-vpc-firewall-us-east-1-sagemaker-execution-role/SageMaker is not authorized to perform: sagemaker:CreateApp on resource: arn:aws:sagemaker:us-east-1:244930903551:app/d-9k51gqjl6hfm/sagemaker-user-profile-us-east-1/kernelgateway/sagemaker-data-science-ml-m5-large-685ada67a98eea46e68c3200c9bf with an explicit deny in an identity-based policy (Context: RequestId: 37d2d479-6220-4ae7-80f1-b091c685fdd1, TimeStamp: 1703278224.5513651, Date: Fri Dec 22 20:50:24 2023)

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Hi Ariela. From the error message, it looks like you’re choosing ml.m5.large instead of ml.m5.2xlarge.

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Thanks. I was able to get it working. But today when I tried to restart the lab I’m getting inactivated account. Please help.

AWS account deactivated at 2023-12-22T13:14:00-08:00

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I’m getting similar error below when starting the Lab 3. Note my issue with completing Lab 2 is still unresolved, and all attempts to start that lab are still failing with same reported error that account was deactivated - just adding in case that would need to be completed and submitted before proceeding with Lab 3. With both labs unable to proceed this is a blocker to finish the course


Hi Zarko. I saw you already submitted the form, and you might have gotten a message about your account being reactivated. Please ignore that for now. It will be resolved on the next batch within the day. Thanks.

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Hi, I’m having the same issue as @ajay_gupta2 . Did you get it to work again? Thanks!

Failed to start kernel
Failed to launch app [sagemaker-data-scien-ml-m5-2xlarge-58ec53cbfb4afb44281d61bdec8c]. ResourceLimitExceeded: The account-level service limit ‘Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.m5.2xlarge instance’ is 1 Apps, with current utilization of 1 Apps and a request delta of 1 Apps. Please use AWS Service Quotas to request an increase for this quota. If AWS Service Quotas is not available, contact AWS support to request an increase for this quota. (Context: RequestId: 3af041b2-e25b-41da-9084-6e5a7fe67fde, TimeStamp: 1703722688.846834, Date: Thu Dec 28 00:18:08 2023)

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Hi! Can you send me your student AWS Account ID? It’s on the upper right of the AWS Console when you launch it from Vocareum (i.e. before you search for Sagemaker). I’ll forward it to our engineer for checking. Thanks!

Hi Yang. Thanks for sending the Account ID. One more thing, may I know which lab you’re taking? Is it also Lab 3 like Zarko?

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Yes, it’s lab 3. I had no issues with the first two. Thanks!

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I am also getting the same error

Failed to start kernel
Failed to launch app [sagemaker-data-scien-ml-m5-2xlarge-58ec53cbfb4afb44281d61bdec8c]. ResourceLimitExceeded: The account-level service limit ‘Studio KernelGateway Apps running on ml.m5.2xlarge instance’ is 1 Apps, with current utilization of 1 Apps and a request delta of 1 Apps. Please use AWS Service Quotas to request an increase for this quota. If AWS Service Quotas is not available, contact AWS support to request an increase for this quota. (Context: RequestId: 7118f2fa-7f7e-4ad2-a6b8-f553ffee45cb, TimeStamp: 1703729644.9409835, Date: Thu Dec 28 02:14:04 2023)

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Hi Hassan. Is this also for Lab 3?

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Hi, Im encountering similar error for Lab2, where I’m getting:

User: arn:aws:sts::995336763376:assumed-role/voclabs/user2911795=______ is not authorized to perform: sagemaker:CreatePresignedDomainUrl on resource: arn:aws:sagemaker:us-east-1:995336763376:user-profile/d-2irmwpmcojsf/sagemaker-user-profile-us-east-1 with an explicit deny in an identity-based policy

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Yes, this is for Lab 3.

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Hi Can, and welcome to the community! That looks like a different error. Please rewatch the Intro to AWS Labs in Week 1 and make sure you’re doing the same steps to get to the Studio. If that doesn’t help, please create a separate topic for this and provide a screenshot of the entire screen including the error message. Also avoid using a work laptop or network when doing the labs. Please try using a personal device instead. Thanks.

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