Unable to find "submit" in Jupyter notebook?

Hi - I am trying to perform the first program assignment of Week4 in Course 1, but I can’t seem to find a “submit” button for that Jupyter notebook - what should I do?

Dear @Eyas_Taifour,

You can follow these steps-

  1. reload the page after checking your network connection. In case the submit button doesn’t appear then follow the second step.
  2. go to kernel—> restart the kernel.
  3. If the problem still persists then go to the File in the top left corner—> Then Open the workspace----> tick in the box next to the file you are working on —> then press the shutdown button present above, rename this file to save your previous work. Then again go to File tab —> open the workspace—> then click the notebook you want to update—> go to Help in the right corner—> as it opens up, you will find the update lab button—> press it. Your notebook will be updated. Now you will have a new version to work on.

Sometimes, when the version isn’t updated, the submit button gets disappeared or you might have saved the checkpoint many a times. Follow these quick steps and you will save your time!


I don’t think it is true that having an old version of a notebook will cause the “Submit” button not to appear. It is true that if you have renamed your notebook, then the Submit button will not appear in the renamed copy. Only the “standard” name of the notebook (the one opened by the “Work in Browser” button) is able to submit to the grader.

The advice is to try the following sequence starting from Rashmi’s step 2):

  1. Kernel → Restart and Clear Output
  2. Save
  3. If the Submit Button doesn’t appear, try doing a browser “Refresh” on the page.
  4. If it still doesn’t appear, then close the notebook and reopen by clicking “Work in Browser” again.

If at any point you want to get a clean copy of the notebook or to make sure you are running the latest version, there is a topic about that on the FAQ Thread which gives a more complete version of Rashmi’s instructions.

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I will try and revert back, thank you. Worth noting that the submit button didn’t appear ever since I launched the notebook for the first time (in other words, I hadn’t modified a cell or renamed the notebook , just ran 1 or 2 cells).
Thanks again and I’ll revert back

Neithr restarting the kernel nor restarting the browser works for me. Only step 3 of Rashmi helps me solve the disappeared submit button.
Thanks again.

Hello, WkCircle.

Thanks. Actually that depends from case to case. The case that you were facing would have been different from other cases. We have shown you all the ways that could help anyone solve the crisis :slight_smile: