Unable to start kernel with t3.small

I’m able to complete all portions of the assignment except the Jupyter Lab. After I run the setup script and go to the URL, the kernel status is “Connecting” for several minutes and then “Disconnected”. When I restart the kernel, it goes from “Restarting” for several minutes to “Disconnected”. I’ve tried this a few times from different laptops and networks. On one of the networks I get an error when I try to access the URL. On the other, I can access the URL but cannot start the kernel.

Perhaps retrying after some time, a few hours…I have to understand sometimes the AWS server isn’t available.

Hello @Cynthia_Alonso
I tried the lab right now and unfortunately was not able to reproduce the issue. Here are my suggestions:

  1. Make sure you are choosing all the correct settings for your cloud9 environment.
  2. Try restarting the kernel using the below button.
  3. Make sure the source scripts/setup.sh command completes without an error. If there is an error, please, let us know.
  4. If the issue still persists, please, fill out this lab refresh form. I hope this fixes it finally.
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Thanks @Amir_Zare. I tried it again today and I’m having the same problem. I tried restarting and it just seems to stay in restarting status until it times out.

I filled out the form, so hopefully this can get resolved soon.

No errors in jupyter log:


Stuck in “Restarting”

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@Cynthia_Alonso sorry for the inconvenience. Please, wait up to 3 business days and try again. Let us know if the issue persists.

Hi! Unfortunatly I have the same problem. Stuck in Kernel status: Connecting and in kernel status:Restarting.
@Cynthia_Alonso did you manage to resolve the problem?
Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

To anyone experiencing the same problem, I solved it by opening the link to Jupiter Notebook in Chrome Incogneto mode, there it connected immidiatly and worked fine!

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I’m still having the same issue :frowning: Opening the notebook in incognito mode did not work for me.

Hello @hawraa.salami
@Cynthia_Alonso is having an error with Jupyter Lab notebook kernel, and a lab refresh hasn’t solved his problem. Is there anything we can do or ask him to do?
Thank you in advance.

Thank you @Amir_Zare ! I remember one learner posted here about a solution they tried.

@Cynthia_Alonso I’ll send you an email to better track this issue and offer another suggestion. And then I’ll post here when it’s solved.