W3W2 Ungraded Lab is not complete!

Ungraded Lab : Algorithmic Dimensionality Reduction
Ungraded Lab : Quantization and Pruning

Hello @jschoi,

can you please explain why it seems to be incomplete? When I open first lab I see examples for all 3 algorithms. Thank you.

I guess what he means by Lab is showing incomplete is no green tick showing against Labs in the side panel of the course despite running the code in colab.
I have the same observation for Lab 2. For Lab 1 it turned green tick after a few days. But Lab 2 is showing incomplete despite running the code 4 times at colab.
Some backend issue. Please resolve it

Hi everyone! This is a current limitation of the Coursera UI. Your progress is not tracked for that lab because it is hosted in Colab. We’ll request if a Mark as Completed button can be implemented. In the meantime, you can just select the next lesson in the list when you click one of the links to each Week in the side bar. The “incomplete” ungraded labs will not affect your course completion. But if you really want the green checkmark to appear beside the ungraded labs, a workaround is to simply click the blue button in the instructions page:

When you do that and refresh the original page, you will now see the green checkmark whether or not you completed the Colab. Hope this works for you!

Thanks for completing by clicking the blue button.

Brilliant! Thanks so much Chris!
It looks incomplete which is not a nice sight, like red/blue underlines in Word indicating some spelling or grammar error.