#Week 03 Problem with grading Programming Assignment: Planar Data Classification with One Hidden Layer

Hello! I have a problem with Programming Assignment: Planar Data Classification with One Hidden Layer. In the review process, an error is reported when grading.

Grader Error:
Grader feedback not found

Visit the Discussion forum to see if your peers are experiencing or have found resolutions for similar errors. If the error isn’t resolved in 24 hours, please reach out to Coursera through our Help Center.

Can you help me, please?

This is a Coursera technical problem. They have been notified.

Thank you, very much!

Hello! Tom.

When you notify Coursera, How long will the take to resolve technical problem?
It is necessary for me to take action, for example resend the Assigment?
Coursera notifies me when the problem is resolved?
Sorry, but I am finishing the course and I need to advance to the next one.

I would appreciate if you could help me with the question.

Best regards!
Luis Millao.

The issue is resolved. Please submit your assignment again.

Thank you for your having my back!