Week 3 assignments


The 2 assignments in week 3 are all have the same problems as below. I’ve already done all the assignments this week but autosaved always failed because of permission denied, so I was graded 0. When I open and check why the runtime falls, It’s said that the notebook last ran was more than a year ago (But I’ve joined this course for a couple weeks ??). After a while trying to figure out the notebook problem, I think the owner doesn’t allow me to change things in it (If not, I’m sorry). Please help me.

Thanks for spending time!!

This is a known issue with Coursera’s platform. They have not fixed it yet.
Please wait for more information.


As Tom mentioned that this is a known error and we already informed the Coursera staff about it and waiting to hear from them. We are extremely sorry for the inconvenience.

Meanwhile, you can try this temporary hack but it worked for many with a few exceptions. If it is not working for you, kindly refer to this . You will need to submit your info as mentioned there.
