Hello everyone!!
I’ve tried to submit my assignment for practice lab in week 2, but I couldn’t, all my codes had the right results.
I want to finish this course, just I’m waiting for this problem.
How can I access to the instructor?
Hello everyone!!
I’ve tried to submit my assignment for practice lab in week 2, but I couldn’t, all my codes had the right results.
I want to finish this course, just I’m waiting for this problem.
How can I access to the instructor?
I had same issue once, I did reload or if not worked reopen lab and then submit.
You can also check for common issues on coursera help section. I hope this helps.
Hello @elham.nasarian
Are you facing the same issue still? If yes, could you let me know what is the exact problem or send the screen shot of the error message. Meanwhile you can contact https://www.coursera.support/s/community-help?language=en_US to solve this problem.