C1_WK2 linear regression programming assignment

I wrote code for compute_cost and compute_graident. On running, I see output stating that all the tests have passed. I clicked “Submit assignment” button. On submission, page I don’t see any grading done even after 2+ hours. Can you please confirm if there is any missing from my side to complete the submission?
Thanks much!

Hi @Raghavendra_Medahal ,

If you have completed the assignment and all the tests passed before submitting the assignment, then you have not missed anything on your side. There have been other learners reported submission issue. Please contact Coursera learner help. Using their chat line would be the quickest to get in touch.

Coursera had a technical issue. It has been fixed now. You should be able to submit now.

I am able to submit and receive grading for the same. Thanks for the support!
