C3W1 bird box submission failed

I finished assignment and uploaded quite a lot of times on my submission tab,
but everytime, there’s a message that it is currently graded, and then it just disappear, like I didn’t submit it.

Is there anyone who had similar problem with me? or any suggestion might be helpful.

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Hi and welcome to the community! Other learners are also experiencing this across our other specializations. We’ve reported this to Coursera and we’re waiting for a resolution. Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience!


yes, exactly the same issue

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hi, still having the same problem, alas.

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Hi! The grader is now working. Kindly try resubmitting the lab. Thank you!

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Thanks for everyone!!

I believe I still experience this issue. I tried multiple time to upload the file but it shows that it is in progress for a long time and after that it disappear.

Can you try logging out and logging in, and then try re-submitting your model. Make sure you have cleared browsing history and cache, before you re-login.

As I can see from the image, you model is not completely uploaded.


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I appreciate your prompt reply. I attempted to log out and log back in, as well as cleared the caches, but I’m still encountering an issue when trying to upload the file. While I can initiate the upload process, it never seems to complete, and eventually, the upload disappears.

does it gives error message or message log for its inability to upload. I highly suspect the folder you are uploading might be having issue. can you please go back to your assignment and check if everything was done correctly and you have got same expected output as the grader wants you to get!!

it is always good to crosscheck once more.

I reviewed the file, addressed the assignment, and ensured everything is in order. However, upon uploading, I encountered the same issue. The progress seems to be stuck at this point, preventing me from proceeding with the assignment. :frowning_face: :frowning_face:



You can send your notebook for review. Click on my name and then message.


i experience the same issue

I experience the same issue

Please make new post with your issue, share a screenshot of what your submission issue shows.
Sometimes your model can create issue. So one needs to have a look and understand first what is the issue. His issue was related to some codes being incorrect where you have posted the comments

I am experiencing exactly the same problem i tried to log out and in several times with more than one browser and cleared cache and cookies more than once and still obtained the same result

it starts uploading and it suddenly stopped and i cant click the submit button

Go back and check your codes, where you could make correction if or any required.

My code seems to be correct


Share your final output screenshot image with the expected output.
Kindly do not send any DM until a mentor asks you to do so.

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