Course Enrollment and Assignment Deadline

Hi, before starting the Specialization, I was interested in looking at the content of Course 5 (Sequence Models). During my trial period, I enrolled in Course 5 for this reason (I didn’t know that there will be assignment deadlines). I’m currently doing Course 2, so Course 5 is a long way to go, and I won’t catch those assignment deadlines. I don’t know how I can choose not to enroll in that course for the moment or how to avoid overdue assignments or any worst-case scenario.

Hey @Amara , no need to worry about that. If you are missing out on your deadlines, coursera will automatically offer you to enroll in the next “session” where all the deadlines will reset.

If you are worried about payment-wise, you can go to your subscriptions in your account on coursera and handle it from there.

Should I be worried about payment? I don’t know what impact it can have on my subscription. I was concerned if they will renew it (which you just cleared), and the other point is if it will impact my final grading and certificate!

Hey @Amara,

The subscription is on per month basis. You will be charged each month until you finish the course (i.e it will renew automatically until you finish the course).

What I referred to was “resetting of the deadlines”, they are independent of your monthly subscription.

Lets says I start the course on the 5th of the month. My first assignment due date is 12th of the month. I log into my account on the 15th of the month, meaning I have missed my submission due date. Coursera will automatically offer me to enroll in a new session…this is free of charge.
If I don’t complete the course before the 5th of the next month, I’ll be charged the subscription fee for the next month.

Grading and certificate is not affected by any of this.

I hope this all helps!

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Yes, thank you for your kind explanation.

So if you have subscribed and are not yet currently doing C5, I’d recommend you cancel your subscription for it to avoid next month’s charge… Unless you think you’d be able to do it within the month, then you can let it be.

Hello @Mubsi,
I have the same issue but besides enrolling in course 1, which I am currently finishing, I enrolled in courses 2, 3, and 5 to check the materials out. I have two questions related to this:

  1. Will I be charged per singular course per month? Or the payments are for the complete specialization per month.
  2. If 1) is affirmative, how do I cancel a singular course? I am not being able to find that option, only the option of canceling the whole subscription to the specialization, which I do not desire to.
    Thank you

Hey @Enrique , these are good questions, but I don’t have the best answers to them. Maybe @apolanco3225 can help you with these ?

Hey @Enrique this has all the answers I hope: Coursera subscriptions – Coursera Help Center


Thank you @Mubsi, that was clarifying.

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